Page name: Fantasy Critters Art Work [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-13 02:30:22
Last author: grieverx13
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
# of watchers: 7
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Welcome to Fantasy Critters United! This page is for all fantasy critters artworks! This is for everyone who is a member and so desires to post art work! So post away everyone :D

This page is in need of a guardian!

I WANT TO SEE MORE ARTWORK PEEPS! Come On.. please?! pretty Please?


something i did during first period, i liked the way it turned out!
<BR>Tried coloring it :P not to bad for a first timer!<BR><img:>

Okay I will post some new artwork soon, I'm personally currently working on a new pic on my computer, a fantasy creature I've never done before :O Can you guess what it might be? Dum dum dum! Ah well enjoy the current artwork!
Air Walking done by [RenegadePhoenix]<img:>

[Paul Doyle] The adventures of Jak'edrac and Jul'eweisa?
<img:><img:> These are on Elfwood . . .
NOT on Elfwood! But soon to be on the VCL . . .

[Sirfy] Thought I'd submit a few ^^ Here's my first...some...creature!!

[Kuja's Silver Dragon] A picture of one of my characters, Karamie, in three of her disguises.


this is Dartan, tha dragon from my story on the suvitaria kingdom

[grieverx13] A lion dragon that I made up one day...the butterflies and the big guy were pretty much kind of heartbreaking for me...
Here is the Goddess of Destruction which I once drew for a competition...
Ah and this is my second large CG work, I'll take this down if someone here can't take the blood of it. I was really depressed(during the heartbreak period) when I did this(yeah, I'm easily depressed, BUT I'm easily cheered up as well as I am pretty much insane.)
Another drawing...
and another new one...

[thyladyinred] his name is Gwiv .. and he is hungry

[Paul Doyle] A new pic. Sentimental mood, Part One . . . (Sentimental part two is "in progress" on my ET house)
Art technniques I'd forgotten long ago came rushing back . . . originally supposed to be me, this is now Jak'edrac, Jul'eweisa and family 450 years after the older pics. Jak'edrac got a little older and now sports a chest scar (one of several on his body). From a scene from the long-time-yet-to-be-written fifth novel of the sequence (I'm only on the final draft of the first novel!)

I'm new but i thought I'd put this pic up cuz I knew it would be great for this place to see!!!hope you all like it....
"<img: >
He's cute isn't he.....I did it all in gell pens..kinda hard....
2.I'm going to put up the colored version of this hopefully..Crimsicle

This is my wittle water dragon I love him he loves everyone and everything! (He also expesially loves reading!) But he can bite he has sharp teeth.

I hate paint on computer but this is another one of my computer creatures. I haven't named him yet :(

[efulin] This is my first dragon baby done on computer. Ain't he cute? Well, he's not finished...if you have any suggestions, just tell me, please!

[wings~a~flame] this is a fun PS that i did so injoy

[Iceflame] Meh, did it a while ago, hand drawn, coloured pencils, computer bg. Volcano Dragon:

[another brick in the wall] he's my griffin, Darsha'k

[AshPaw] I had to go to summer school last summer, it was a drag, I ended up passing with flying colors, but the teacher just wouldn't shut up. So, this was one of the doodles that was a result of boredom...


[Aislin's Aurari] I drew the dog/wolf form of my character Aislin and a couple pictures of some dragons. Hopefully they look halfway descent.





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2004-02-06 [Paul Doyle]: Gwooof! I moved the pics.

2004-02-11 [RenegadePhoenix]: Thanks Paul

2004-02-11 [Sirfy]: I have alot of them o.0

2004-02-11 [Paul Doyle]: You're welcome, [RenegadePhoenix]!

2004-02-12 [RenegadePhoenix]: Yah great work Sirfy!!!

2004-02-12 [Kuja's Silver Dragon]: how do I get pics up? Mine doesn't seem to have worked...

2004-02-12 [kanaseria]: i want feedback on my pic please

2004-02-12 [Paul Doyle]: so far, so good! There is an excellent place to go for real feedback: constructive criticism wiki

2004-02-12 [kanaseria]: thanx. kool, i'll check it out, maybe, dunno, bad memory

2004-02-12 [Paul Doyle]: I've gotten shredded at: frightened by the f-1 and Eternal Love: Mates For Life, which are both connected to the cc page

2004-02-12 [kanaseria]: o

2004-02-13 [Kuja's Silver Dragon]: can someone answer my question?

2004-02-13 [RenegadePhoenix]: Kuja, you might want to check where the picture is located, then you use <img: location of pic > try it again and see what happens.. if it still doesn't work contact me and I'll see what I can do! ;)

2004-02-13 [Kuja's Silver Dragon]: what is the exact HTML?

2004-02-14 [RenegadePhoenix]: it should be "< img: then the location of the pic on elftown and then end it with a >" and that should work just take out the spaces between < and Img: and img: and the location and it should work

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